Crawford Matthews (University of Hull)
‘Here come two Fredericks to visit a third’.[1] These were the words delivered by Frederick IV King of Denmark to Frederick I King in Prussia as he alighted from his carriage in Potsdam in July of 1709. The Danish king was joined on this momentous occasion by king Augustus (Frederick-Augustus).[2] The meeting of these three kings would later come to be known as the Dreikönigstreffen, or meeting of the three kings. A number of pieces of art were created to commemorate this historic royal gathering.[3] The most striking of these is a pair of paintings that symbolically depicts the Dreikönigstreffen and all it was thought to represent. One of these paintings in particular has a remarkable historical tale to tell, having made its way from Berlin to England, from there to New York, and once more back to Germany, where it today resides in Schloss Caputh on the edge of Potsdam. The painting is now in the possession of Die Freunde der Preußischen Schlösser und Gärten e. V., however previous owners have included a British ambassador and the artist Andy Warhol amongst others.[4] Moreover the painting is significant because its mere existence points to the importance of Anglo-Prussian relations during the reign of the first king in Prussia. Both British and Prussian actors could instrumentalise this relationship in order to produce their elevated status, and the tale of British involvement in the Dreikönigstreffen is an interesting demonstration of this. „Texte des RECS #27: Dreikönigsporträt“ weiterlesen